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The first album by Art Garfunkel and Art Garfunkel Jr. will be released on November 8, 2024 



Father and son



Not only is it the first real father-son album, but through the song selection, Art Garfunkel and Art Garfunkel jr encourage their listeners to dance.


The selection of titles, whether based on the contemporary historical background (first publication of the original title), takes the listener to various musical eras, but never without a recognizable common thread through the selection of titles.


On the one hand, the song selection can be viewed as very personal, but each song also speaks to the listener in his or her own life.



On September 20th The first father-son single will be released in 2024 


Time after time 


It is a foretaste of the very first one, which will be released on November 8th, 2024 

Father-son album, which Art Garfunkel recorded with his son Art Garfunkel Jr

advance notice 

Father - son album

announces its harbingers

A new album by Art Garfunkel is expected to be released in November 2024


it will be an album of duets with his eldest son, Art Garfunkel Jr.


The album will feature legendary songs that underline the unique bond between Art Garfunkel and his eldest.


As soon as there is more information, it will be announced on the websites

Art Garfunkel / Art Garfunkel jr.
The Garfunkels

Aug 14, 2024 From November 12, 2024 to November 16, 2024, Art Garfunkel will appear with his wife and sons at Café Carlylye In New York. The evenings bear the title The Garfunkels

July 2024 New works are on the horizon Recently, Art Garfunkel has been back in the studio with his son. ​ the two are working on a new project:  ​ Tried-and-tested things in a new guise and new things are announced. ​ The musical collaboration between father and son is entering a new chapter and once again underlines the close relationship between the two. As soon as there is news about the project, we will of course announce it on the website

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